join us for

Sheith Prompt Party

An event where creators make works based on the prompt they're matched with! Anyone is welcome to submit a prompt to the pool.


General information

This event is centered around the relationship Keith/Shiro (Sheith) from Voltron: Legendary Defender. Other characters and pairings may be included as long as Sheith is the primary focus of the work.Alternate versions of Keith and Shiro (ex. GoLion!Akira or Shiro clones) are accepted and may be included in prompts for this event.In this event, anyone can submit a prompt that creators can then claim. Creators will then work either solo or in collaboration with one other to create something based on a prompt.Written works will be posted anonymously initially, and then revealed after the event is complete. Art pieces will have the option to be posted anonymously or by the artist.

Event details

Prompting Period
During this period, anyone can submit a prompt.During this period, creators can express their interest in the event in order to get access to the prompt list when it opens. (This helps keep the prompts a surprise!)
Claims Period
After prompts close, mods will compile them and send them to creators for claims.Creators will indicate 5 or more prompts they're interested in working on in order of preference, as well as whether they would prefer to work alone or in a pair. Claims are not timed, and are not first come first serve.Creators will be matched with one of their choices based on their preferences. Any groups formed will have a maximum of 2 members, with at most 1 writer.
LATE Claims Period
For those who missed the initial signup, creators can still sign up to get access to late claims.This round consists of the remaining unclaimed prompts.Creators will select 1 prompt and create an individual work; there are no teams during late claims.Late claims are first come first serve and remain open until Oct 4.Creation and posting timeline is the same for late claims (see schedule).
Creation Period
Creators work on their prompts!New creators can join during the creation period until the final cutoff by claiming any of the remaining unclaimed prompts, with the understanding that they will have less time to finish their piece. Claims made during the creation period are first come first serve.For writer/artist pairs, this will not be done as bang (i.e. writers don't "go first"), rather this is a collaboration where you work together throughout.If a creator finishes early, they have the option of claiming additional unclaimed prompts if they wish. You must finish your current prompt before claiming another.Near the end of the creation period, we will have a check-in to create the posting schedule.
Posting Period
Writers will publish their fics to an anonymous AO3 collection. Unless requested otherwise, authors will be revealed at the end of the event.Artworks may be posted anonymously to the AO3 collection (with an associated fic or as a fanart work only) or not-anonymously on the artist's social media, creator's choice. If posting anonymously on AO3, artists may add a watermark saying "Sheith Party 2021 Artist" as big and obnoxious as desired rather than their own watermark, as that would defeat the anonymity.Art will not be required to be posted anonymously due to art theft and the lack of a mechanism to de-anon directly on social media after the event.
Guessing Period
During the posting period, while fics are posted anonymously, readers may participate in a guessing game to see if they can guess who wrote which fic.Writers may opt out of being part of the guessing game, if they'd like.

guidelines for creators

No minimum skill level is required for this event.Participants of all ages are welcome! Participants must be 18+, however, to see and claim prompts with adult content.Writers: For each prompt you claim, you are required to write a fic of minimum 1k words. There is no maximum. Your complete work must be ready to post within the posting period.Cartoonists & Illustrators: For each prompt you claim, you are required to create a lined (not sketch) piece. There are no requirements on backgrounds, rendering, or digital vs traditional.Graphic Artists: For each prompt you claim, you are required to create one complete piece (ex. moodboard, scene edits).Please DO NOT post details about the prompt(s) you are working on. Posting about your general participation in the event is okay!All creators are required to check in at each checkpoint (check the schedule for details). If you do not check in and have not requested an extension, your prompt will be returned to the pool for other creator(s) to potentially claim.If you need to drop for any reason, please let the mods know as soon as possible in order to give other creators a chance to fulfill the prompt.Please respect your prompter's list of elements they do not want to see included in works fulfilling their prompts.If you have questions about your prompt, please contact the mods and we will ask your prompter for you!Ghosting the challenge, not respecting no lists on prompts, or harassing behavior towards any mod or participant may result in a temporary or permanent ban from future parties.

guidelines for prompters

You may submit as many prompts as you would like. Please do not reuse a prompt that is publicly posted elsewhere (on a kink meme, for example). Please do not post any of these prompts elsewhere while the event is in progress.All prompts must be properly rated and tagged with Archive warnings and content warnings.Mods will be reviewing and approving all prompts before they're shared with creators. We reserve the right to reject or lightly edit (e.g. add tags) any prompt that does not meet our rules.Prompters will remain anonymous throughout creation. Prompters are welcome to reveal themselves, if they'd like, when a work for their prompt is shared.In the case that a prompt is unclaimed, prompters can opt-in to allow mods to release the prompt to the wild in promoting this event; otherwise, the unclaimed prompt will be deleted at the end of the party.No prompts will be reused in future events unless resubmitted by the prompter.

prompt rules

This event does not have a specific theme. All genres and ratings are allowed.All prompts are for all creators—do not submit a prompt that will only work as a fic, for example.Sheith must be the primary focus of the prompt. Other secondary characters and pairings are allowed.Prompts should be specific (BAD: High school AU / GOOD: Keith offers to be Shiro's fake date at his high school reunion).Prompts should not be so specific that they do not leave room for the creator to be creative with it—please do not provide full plot summaries as a prompt.No hate/bashing of any character or pairing is allowed.No top/bottom preferences are allowed.


Aug 6 (Friday)Prompt submissions and creator signups open
Aug 20 (Friday)Prompt submissions closed, claims period begins
Aug 27 (Friday)Claims closed for matching
Aug 30 (Monday)Creators matched and assignments sent out
Aug 30-Sep 6 (Mon-Mon)First check-in: creators are happy with their prompts, groups are in contact
Sep 24-27 (Fri-Mon)Second check-in: are you on track to finish? — no WIPs required
Oct 4 (Monday)Late claims closed
Oct 15-18 (Fri-Mon)Third check-in: are you on track to finish? — WIPs required + submit posting date restrictions
Oct 25 (Monday)Posting schedule released
Nov 1 (Monday)Anonymous posting begins, guessing game opens
Nov 12 (Friday)Posting complete
Nov 15 (Monday)Guessing game ends
Nov 16 (Tuesday)Creators revealed

Guessing Game

As authors for sheith party remain anonymous until reveals (see schedule), there is a guessing game in place for readers.

Think you can guess who wrote which fic before writers are revealed? First, sign up to participate in the guessing game, and then you'll be able to submit your guesses as you read along!

Contact Mods

Your mods for this challenge are sharki (@leftishark_), robin (@stardropdream) and hiro (@bioplast_hero)!

Please get in touch with us if you have questions or concerns, or need some cheering on! Mods are all on Pacific Standard Time (PST, UTC -8:00) and we will do our best to respond to emails and DMs within our waking hours.

We're looking forward to seeing what you make!

Claims Guide

Thanks for partying with us! Here are a few reminders before you submit your claims:

For late claims: you'll submit one prompt you'd like to claim, and it'll be yours—first come first serve.You are not committed to creating anything until you submit your claims; if you’re no longer interested in participating (for any reason!), you can simply not submit a claims form and the mods will remove you from our list.These prompts stay inside the Prompt Party! Please do not use these prompts unless they are released at the end of the event; do not save, post, share, or screenshot any prompts for those outside the party.Please mind the tags! There are archive warnings and content warnings on certain prompts!Some prompts are long—you’ll see them end in “...”. Click on the prompt to expand it and see the full details!We’re excited to get started and to see what prompts strike your fancy. You have a lot to choose from since we had a great turnout this year—over 200 prompts.
Wow, this is a lot of prompts!

Yes, you all had a lot of amazing ideas! Our goal is to help you be able to sort through them; we’ve added genre tags to the prompts and explained below how to filter those prompts to help you dive in.

How do I organize the prompts I’m interested in?

There isn’t a way to move the tiles around through this platform, unfortunately. You can copy the prompts you like into your own document or spreadsheet to sort them. Click on the prompt to open it, then select the text.

Just remember to keep track of the prompt ID numbers--that’s how you’ll enter the prompt you want in the claims form!

How do I filter prompts by content I do or don’t want to see?
Airtable, the platform we use for claims, is relatively versatile in adding filters and sorting through the prompts.

Before you start reviewing the prompts, here are some things to keep in mind:

Adding content warnings to the prompts was primarily up to the prompters, with some help from the mods, so it’s possible that some things might slip through; some prompts, subjects, tropes, or tags may not be easily filterable.The mods did a general sorting of the list, moving the heavy kinks and/or darker themes to the end of the list. If you’re into that content, head on down! These start with prompt #210.Genre tags are meant to help you sort through the prompts; they are not meant to add information to the prompt.
Below, we’ll give some examples on how to filter the prompts.

As an example, we’ll walk through how to view only prompts where no Archive Warnings apply.
Click “Filter” in the upper left hand corner.Click “Add filter.” You’ll see “Where ID = [gray box].”Click “ID” to see a drop-down menu of the prompt elements, also called fields, that you can filter by. The most useful ones will be “Archive Warnings,” “Content Warnings,” “Genre,” and “Rating Preference.” For this example, select “Archive Warnings.”Click “is exactly” to see a drop-down menu of filter operators. For this example, keep this as is.Click “Select an Option” to see a drop-down menu of criteria to filter by. Select “No Archive Warnings Apply.” (Note: if you used “Content Warnings” you’d type a keyword into the freeform box here instead.)Success! Now you’re only seeing prompts where no Archive Warnings apply.Know that you can apply more than one filter at a time. Just click “Add filter” to set up the next one.You can add filters that both include items or exclude items.To remove a filter, click the X next to it. If you have more than one filter applied, you can remove one at a time, keeping the rest active.
Here are a few more examples of filtering:

"I want to see canon divergent and fantasy prompts."
Filter > Add filter > change “ID” to “Genre” > change operator “is” to “is any of” > select “Canon divergent” and “Fantasy”
"I do NOT want to see any prompts that include genderbend, cheating, or major character death."
Filter > Add filter > change “ID” to “Content Warnings” > change operator “is” to “does not contain” > type “genderbend” in the boxAdd filter > change “ID” to “Content Warnings” > change operator “is” to “does not contain” > type “cheating” in the boxAdd filter > change “ID” to “Archive Warnings” > change operator “is exactly” to “has none of” > Select an Option > “Major Character Death”
"I want to see all the NSFW-okay prompts with violence. It’s okay if they also have other archive warnings."
Filter > Add filter > change “ID” to “Rating Preference” > change “is” to “is any of” > Select an Option > select both “This fill should be NSFW” and “This fill could be SFW or NSFW”Add filter > change “ID” to “Archive Warnings” > change “is exactly” to “has any of” > Select an Option > “Graphic Depictions of Violence”

We hope this guide is helpful to you! If you have any questions, concerns, or help figuring out Airtable, reach out to the mods! We’ll be happy to help you out!